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Temple Filler
- Lift face & restore volume
Many people know the power of dermal fillers when it comes to bringing back bounce to your jawline or giving your lips a glamorous boost. But what about the temples? This oft-forgotten area of the face is also worthy of some dermal filler attention.
The reason is that a loss of volume in the temples can have a big impact on the rest of the face. By targeting temple hollows with an injectable dermal filler, patients can achieve a lifted appearance in a non-surgical way. It’s like having a mini facelift, without the need for scalpels.
What is temple filler?
Why temples matter when it comes to facial beauty
The beauty benefits of temple fillers on face
Temple filler injections can deliver a mini facelift without surgery. When HA is injected, it acts like an inflated cushion to support tissues that have lost volume or elasticity. So, by restoring this cushion, an individual’s temporal area is noticeably recontoured and brought back to its youthful appearance.
The temples also affect the structures that surround them, so by re-volumising this area, face roundness is restored. By strengthening scaffolding, the mid to lower half of the face, like the cheeks and nose-to-mouth lines are also minimised.